C A R E & R E P A I R
We know the bags we designed are built to endure a long time| We feel that proper care and attention will ensure their continued usage. As much as we'd like owners to acquire more of our bags, we believe it's more vital for them to take care of the ones they already have. Goodstart Jones is here to help you on your way.
At some point, all bags will require a thorough cleaning and maintenance. As a result, we developed a bag refurbishing service to keep your bag looking at its best.
If your bag/luggage isn't broken, but you think it's past its prime, The bag can be rejuvenated as close to new as feasible by our the restoration procedure.
To begin simply send us an email with images and description of problem. We will analyse your information and offer you with a response on what we can achieve as well as a completion date and quote of cost.
Depending on the condition could include:
// Stain removal
// Lining repair
// External cleaning
// Inside cleaning
// Strap repair
// Tears and rips
// RePadding & foam inserts
// Wood polishing
// Wood engraving
// Webbing replacement
Service starts from: £15.00
We believe in value and sustainability. As a result, if a bag fails while in use,we will mend it for freeas a complimentary gesture within the 2 year warranty.
To qualify for a free repair, please send us an email with images and proof of purchase. We will analyse your information and offer you with a response on what we can achieve as well as a completion date.However, if it was used inappropriately, became damaged, or you simply feel it needs service, we may still do a repair at a moderate cost. -
Depending on the condition could include:
// Detailed wash & heat drying
// New straps replacements
// New buckles & screws
// Webbing replacement
// Adding new binding
// New foam padding
// Restitching threads
// Panel replacement
// Tears & rips
Within Warranty: FREE (no cost)
Service starts from: £15.00

We'll Take Care Of It
Goodstart Jones goods are built to last and should outlast the regular 2-year guarantee.
We strive to maintain a high standard of production and construction at all times.
For over 8 years, our studio has been handcrafting numerous bags to the same high standards and utilising the same craftsmanship processes. Some of the bags that were created ten years ago are still in use today.
REFURBISHMENT SERVICEGoodstart Jones give a free repair service within the 2-year guarantee on all bags.
However, depending on your bag's troubles or normal wear and tear, we provide one-stop service and support for all bags and woodsacks, so most concerns may be fixed and repaired.
Booking a Repair & Refurbishment
If you require a repair or would like to find out more about our refurbishment service please contact;
email: hello@goodstartjones.com
or call 01902 294518
We will be happy to assist you with booking your bag into our workshop to begin the transformation.
Send By Post
Once service is selected and arranged, please send to:
REPAIRS Goodstart Jones Ltd
Studio H | Britannia House
Please include a note on what needs repairing plus proof of purchase or date received.
Delivery & Returns
Lead Time: 1- 3 weeks depending on product repair requirements.
Payment: We may ask for payment in advance if outside warranty or failed inspection.
Shipping: We offer free return shipping for repaired bags.