I Hope You Don't Mind... But can you please joining our email list ?


As much as I prefer not to be disturbed when I stroll into a store to browse or search online for new things. I guess I cant apply the same action everything else in life… 


The team and I have finally figured out how to run a website  and try to grow our small business for the better.

In order for us to better serve you and provide you with the greatest discounts, we have created the items you are searching for to best satisfy your needs. We've chosen to test utilising pop-ups to collect your email address and phone number. In exchange,  we vow to send only a few email notifications during the year. 

Plus, to sweeten the bargain, we will provide you with: Giveaways. Yes, simply by joining up, you have entered our competitions and raffles for the opportunity to win a free bag. 

In addition, we supplied discount coupons for money off a variety of our bags. 

And access to our new sample area, where you may buy from the idea creations we made but never launched.

I hope this clarifies why certain pop-ups and ads ask for your information on across the website. I guarantee that we will keep your information private and never share it with third parties.  

So, may we count you in and add you to our VIP list?

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